"There is a special spot in my heart and life for a little fourth grade student named Flor."
Alani has a unique assignment as a Student Assistant with EDD. Alani's assignment
affords her the opportunity to invest in herself and her chosen career while
continuing her University courses. She enjoys working with the disadvantaged
youth that the School Partnership Program reaches, and the high school and
college students through the Youth Employment Opportunity and Student Assistant Programs.
Alani takes her assignment seriously and signed up as a volunteer mentor through
the School Partnership Program. Her passion for youth has grown and so has her
relationship with one lucky local elementary student named Flor. Alani has mentored
Flor during her entire third grade and watched her comprehension skills increase,
her vocabulary expand, and a shy student come out of her shell.
A mentor has a tremendous impact on the way their student views life and
opportunities, the investment in themselves and their future careers.
When Alani volunteered, she understood she would be helping a disadvantaged
student but what she didn't realize was the life long friend she would find in Flor.